
For those of you that attended the Close Protection Conference in Vegas a couple months ago had the opportunity to hear some world-class lectures and panels from some of the best in the business. Topics ranged from EP to disaster response to international cyber invasions. It was fascinating and INCREDIBLY informative. And the best part about it was, that after the speakers and panel members spoke, they hung around to chat and network!

Another topic that was discussed was the importance of networking in EP/Protection/Security. A couple of panel members spoke on it in The Business of EP panel. One panelist mentioned how networking was big for gaining new clients minus the cost of marketing and another how networking WITH his existing clients (read “customer service”) prolonged and secured future business.

Before we get to far, let me say that networking is seldom about what the other person can do for you. That gets overlooked. If one is a solid individual and performer, business and favor may follow but it is not WHY we network.

Here are a few reasons WHY we should network:

We should network to build relationships. But why should we build relationships? To get to know someone and let someone get to know you, if even only in a professional sense, can build credibility. This is where the business can happen. This is where I get a call in Vegas from an East Coast protector I’ve never met face to face (and still haven’t to this day) saying I was referred by a mutual contact that said I’m “the guy” in Vegas and can I help him. Turns out I couldn’t but, because my credibility came before our relationship, I directed him to someone else he never met and there was an instant level of trust. That’s how networking can work.

It can keep us current on the happenings of our chosen industry. EP in particular has many challenges potentially domestically and internationally every hour of every day. The ability to be able to offer intel on an incident or gather it easily from someone you’ve met and built a relationship with can be priceless. But it doesn’t end at international incidents. Anything industry specific or that greatly affects the industry (like maybe a CCW bill) can be shared quickly with and from trusted resources.

And finally, at least for this write up, networking can keep a group of like-minded professionals moving toward a common goal. Events such as the CPC are so valuable. It’s a chance to promote best practices, share lessons learned and offer reasons to continue to professionalize this or any industry.

Networking is not for the faint of heart. It’s not netsit or neteat or netdrink, its Network. Networking takes time. It takes time to build a network and it takes time to maintain it. But the time taken will definitely be worth it.

Thank you for your attention!

Craig McKim, PPS; Executive Protection Institute Graduate, NLA Member

For questions on networking, feel free to email me at or follow me on FB (Craig McKim Business Development) or Instagram (@craigmckimbizdev)

Sounds too good to be true – Realities and Pitfalls of Post-Disaster Security

Every year during hurricane season EPI and its parent company International Protection Group, LLC receive numerous calls and requests about post-disaster security. 2017 has been no exception. Following the destruction caused by Harvey, Irma and then Maria we have received and reviewed many of these requests.

It becomes extremely important during times like these to remember that scams and scam artists run rampant and unfortunately tend to go on un-checked until it’s too late. Regulations in affected areas tend to be reduced due to emergent needs and there will never be a shortage of those scheming to get a pay day out of someone’s misfortune.

In times like these, due diligence is an art that MUST be practiced by everyone, especially individuals and companies in the security industry. At EPI, we stress the importance of listening, verifying and confirming information. All too often we see “posts” stating “I’m not the POC…” or “send resumes to xx##@Gmail, yahoo or”. As admins of several groups in social media, we tend to allow these posts as this has become the new norm and way of finding qualified personnel. Unfortunately, we also become the recipients of phone calls, emails and messages from our graduates and friends who have been taken advantage of or realized just in time that what they thought sounded like a great thing was in fact fraudulent.

This is a very small community when you dive into the heart of the industry. Typically, everyone knows someone who knows a guy or knows a gal. Most states have online verification systems where you can check a company’s/individual’s licensing/credentials. Most states also have their regulations regarding private security published on their regulatory agencies websites. When in doubt, ask questions. If a company is established and licensed, there should be no issue finding them in an open source search. If you have questions as to the legality of certain aspects of practicing in a particular area, again, most of that information is available in an open source search. Bottom line, don’t fall victim to illegitimate contracts/assignments. Perform your due diligence and when in doubt, ask.

Jessica Ansley, PPS

Risk Assessment

Understanding the factors involved in calculating risk and the process of choosing and implementing appropriate counter-measures may be useful. The following article was written by John Musser and published September 28, 2016 on the Starting Strength website.

The Risk Model I invite you to consider is used by many for protecting people in Executive Protection (EP), protecting information in Operational Security (OPSEC), and protecting a variety of resources in physical security and other disciplines. There are other models than the one we are going to explore, and some of the terms are often defined differently. We are simply brushing the surface of the process, and it can be very involved; however my goal is to introduce you to a simple tool, useful for a variety of situations.

Read more:

5 Quick Questions for Jerry Heying

Originally published on the International Protective Security Board Blog 10/5/2016


1. How did you get started in the security business?

Back in the 1970s when I got my start in security, practically everyone in the industry was a retired something or other, typically guys with a background in law enforcement or the military who were working in security as a second career.

Since I’m neither ex-police nor military (I had a high draft number – if anyone can remember that whole system), I jokingly tell everyone that I’m a retired hippy ski bum. It’s a great way to start a conversation!

Actually, my path into security was a little different than most. I started working in construction management, then transitioned into property management – especially of estates owned by prominent people who had high risk profiles. This led to security management in 1977, and finally into executive protection around 1986.

I started my security company in 1989 with the intent to focus specifically on executive protection and special events, as I had a lot of experience managing security for large events both in the US and abroad. In 2009, I was fortunate to be able to take over the Executive Protection Institute (EPI). This gave me the opportunity to start the EPIC conferences and eventually partner with ESI to co-sponsor them, which lead to the creation of the IPS Board.

2. What is your biggest professional accomplishment? What are you most proud of professionally?

I’m privileged to have a number of milestone moments in my security career.

The first one would definitely be obtaining my Certified Protection Professional (CPP) certification in 1989. For someone without military or law enforcement experience, this was a major achievement that helped me get established as an expert security professional. Similarly, being awarded the Personal Protection Specialist (PPS) certification was an important step for me.

One of my greatest joys, however, was having the opportunity to assume ownership and management responsibility of the Executive Protection Institute. I’m proud that I could take the reins of EPI and continue its legacy.

This has allowed us to add additional training programs and to open the once-closed Nine Lives Associates (NLA) conferences to the public under EPIC in partnership with ESI, which resulted in a joint conference for four years.

All of this got us to where we are today, and led to me being invited to be a founding member of the IPSB, another accomplishment of which I’m quite proud.

3. What was your biggest failure? What would you have done differently?

Crashing a motorcycle into a tree would have to be one of my more spectacular failures. And I sure wish I would have hit the kill switch before hitting that tree.

But as a positive thinker, I don’t like to look at accidents or disappointments as failures.

Yes, I’ve had business setbacks. I’ve won and then lost million-dollar-a-year accounts for a multitude of reasons. And yet, I don’t regard them as failures. For me, they are valuable (if sometimes costly) lessons that have allowed me to learn and move on.

4. What is the best piece of advice you every received?

“Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, he can achieve”.

This was written by Napoleon Hill, author of “Think and Grow Rich”, a book my brother gave me many years ago. This book about positive thinking changed my life. My outlook on life transformed from generally negative to extremely positive. I strongly encourage everyone to read this book!

5. Why are you excited about – and most looking forward in the EP industry?

The EP business is booming and there are tremendous opportunities for everyone. This is a truly exciting development that brings with it great promise, but also great responsibility.

Of course, as the owner of an EP training school and an EP service provider company, it’s great to see such growth in our industry. But this development is about much more than my commercial interests.

After more than 40 years in the business, I’m excited to see how our industry has transformed since I started out in the 1970s. Practitioners are getting more professional. Clients are getting more savvy. Standards are going up across the board.

What’s particularly interesting is that we, as members of this industry, have the opportunity to shape this development ourselves. To paraphrase Napoleon Hill: “If we can conceive it and believe it, we can achieve it”.

It’s up to each of us to get involved and to play a positive role in our own industry. That is what truly excites me.

The Close Protection Conference is a key platform for all of us who care about the industry. It enables us to get together and shape the future of what we love to do. Understanding how we got this far will help to understand why I’m so excited about this year’s new platform.

When I took over EPI, our annual conferences were for NLA members and EPI graduates only. I strongly felt that it would benefit the industry if the conference was open to the public. Although not everyone agreed, we started the Executive Protection International Conference (EPIC) in 2010 and then partnered with ESI in 2012. EPI and ESI co-sponsored the EPIC-Lifeforce conferences for the following four years.

Based on that foundation and last year’s conference record of 175 attendees, several of us who care about the protection industry met early this year and decided that we should form the International Protective Security Board (IPSB) to build on the foundation that EPI and ESI had created with the joint conferences, and expand the conferences even more. I’m happy to see that this is happening.

When you stand on top of a mountain and you want to get to the top of the higher peak on your horizon, you face a daunting task. As much as you’d like to be able to jump from one mountain to the other, you have to leave your mountaintop, descend into a valley, and make another ascent to get to the top of an even higher peak.

While you sometimes feel like you are losing ground as you go down, you have to remember that you are making progress. You have to keep moving forward and maintain momentum. This is the situation we are in with the formation of the IPSB, and this is an exciting time for everyone in the industry.

Jerry Heying CPP, PPS, CST

President/CEO International Protection Group, LLC

President/CEO International Protective Service Agency

Executive Director Executive Protection Institute

Founding Member International Protective Security Board