Secure transportation logistics when traveling abroad

A lot of colleagues in the security industry are asking about logistical transportation abroad for their clients, and what is the best and secure form of transportation.

I have noticed that  Just a little background of myself. I was a former President of Concierge Association of Puerto Rico Les Clefs d’ with 32 years in the Hospitality Industry. I’m also an Executive Protection Specialist, graduating from EPI Class 52 with over 18 years’ experience. So, this has been my experience throughout the years and hopefully it works for you. There are many forms of secure transportation and challenges when traveling with clients.

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Networking in Other Circles

We do like comfort, don’t we? Often, also, we like routine. I feel that on a very deep level, as I am one of the guiltiest of that comfort seeking. But what I can say is that when I stepped out of that comfort zone and started conversations with people, I did not know that well, or even at all, that’s when things got interesting.

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Personal Protection for Religious Leaders and Dignitaries: Developing a Climate of Trust and Confidence…


Personal Protection for Religious Leaders and Dignitaries presents some very unique challenges. The vocation and calling of many high profile leaders often requires them to have frequent interaction with the public. The security detail members that are familiar and sensitized to the spiritual and emotional climate of the environment will be in a better position and prepared to deal with the challenges.

The personalities and idiosyncrasies of the (principal, protectee)play an enormous role into the ebbs and flows of the protective detail. If we are uncertain of our ability to choreograph within this sometimes unpredictable and highly emotional charged environment we will find ourselves overwhelmed, jittery and frustrated. Our confidence will most certainly wane and impact our ability to provide the proper service for our client.

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Hello world!

Welcome to the Executive Protection Blog, brought to you by the Executive Protection Institute. You may have noticed our new look with our recently updated website, and we hope to engage with more of you through use of this site as well. 2016 has brought new courses and opportunities to EPI and we hope to continue leading the Protection Industry with quality programs designed to educate those providing executive protection services.