We do like comfort, don’t we? Often, also, we like routine. I feel that on a very deep level, as I am one of the guiltiest of that comfort seeking. But what I can say is that when I stepped out of that comfort zone and started conversations with people, I did not know that well, or even at all, that’s when things got interesting.
Continue reading “Networking in Other Circles”Tag: providing executive protection
How to Improve Your Working Memory for Better Cognitive Functioning as Executive Protection
By: Luiz G. Neto
Our brain is constantly processing information. From making our coffee in the morning to dreaming while we sleep, our neurons are always working to figure out what to do with the information they’re receiving. Every scenario is carefully calculated within our brains which then tells us how to respond to certain stimuli. In the field of Close Protection, it’s crucial that we train our brains to respond to stimuli in a quick and calculated way so that we are able to execute our responsibilities and keep people safe.
Continue reading “How to Improve Your Working Memory for Better Cognitive Functioning as Executive Protection”Ethics and Traits of the Personal Protection Specialist

It is with great pride and humility that, as you read this chapter, our first volume, entitled Providing Executive Protection, originally published in 1991 is now available in the third printing. Very exciting world events with security implications have come upon the stage, completed their performance and moved on into history. The names involved and the activities engaged in are added to our memory banks and improved protective performances become more obvious. Although the names and events are different and many are variations on the protective services theme, the need for professional personal protection increases and that is a growing concern.
Continue reading “Ethics and Traits of the Personal Protection Specialist”