Let me start by giving you a bit of insight into my long journey to where I am now. I started my security career in 1996 bouncing in the nightclubs of NYC & Northern NJ, during those times it was a normal thing for the club security to be tasked with taking care of the security need for the performers who came into their venues. Most “Freestyle” artists did not have a close protection team or any artist for that matter at the time. Once I got the taste for it, there was nothing going to stop me from pursuing it as a career. My path into “EP” was a convoluted one with stops in the Bail Enforcement, PI, skip tracing, etc. along the way, but that all changed when I had an amazing conversation with a now friend and amazing mentor Thomas LeBrun at a conference for a career endeavor and he set me on the path I find myself in 25 yrs. later.
Continue reading ““Adaptability” my new normal in executive protection”Category: Blog Posts
Change: How to manage it and reduce its stressful impact
It is often said that people resist change. But is that true? How about a promotion, a salary increase, or a transfer into a preferred assignment? Those are changes, aren’t they? I don’t think many people would resist any of those, do you?
It might be more accurate to say that people resist some change. Specifically, people resist change that is forced upon them; change they did not want and/or can’t control. So, the real issue is how can we manage the change in our lives? Either by taking action to affect the change or by doing something to minimize the negative impact of the change. The issue then is not so much the change, but our ability to manage the change.
Continue reading “Change: How to manage it and reduce its stressful impact”Networking in Other Circles
We do like comfort, don’t we? Often, also, we like routine. I feel that on a very deep level, as I am one of the guiltiest of that comfort seeking. But what I can say is that when I stepped out of that comfort zone and started conversations with people, I did not know that well, or even at all, that’s when things got interesting.
Continue reading “Networking in Other Circles”How to Improve Your Working Memory for Better Cognitive Functioning as Executive Protection
By: Luiz G. Neto
Our brain is constantly processing information. From making our coffee in the morning to dreaming while we sleep, our neurons are always working to figure out what to do with the information they’re receiving. Every scenario is carefully calculated within our brains which then tells us how to respond to certain stimuli. In the field of Close Protection, it’s crucial that we train our brains to respond to stimuli in a quick and calculated way so that we are able to execute our responsibilities and keep people safe.
Continue reading “How to Improve Your Working Memory for Better Cognitive Functioning as Executive Protection”